realme just launched the Buds Wireless 3 Neo, the company’s latest neckband wireless headset in India, as it has promised. It has several improvements such as larger 13.4mm drivers that promises rich bass boost, dual device connection, IP55 rating for water and dust resistance, AI ENC Call Noise Reduction, 45ms Ultra Low Latency, and up to 32-hour battery life. Continue reading “realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo launched in India for Rs. 1299”
Tag: realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo price India
realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo launching in India on May 22 for Rs. 1299
realme has confirmed the launch of realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo, the company’s next budget neckband wireless headset in India on May 22nd, along with the realme GT 6T and the Buds Air6 priced at Rs. 1,299. Continue reading “realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo launching in India on May 22 for Rs. 1299”