realme just launched the the realme C35, the company’s latest smartphone in the budget C series in India, after it was announced in Thailand last month. The phone packs a 6.6-inch FHD+ LCD screen, is powered by the new UNISOC T616 SoC with 4GB of RAM, runs Android 11, comes with a 50MP rear camera along with a 2MP macro and a VGA depth sensor. Continue reading “realme C35 with 6.6″ FHD+ display, Unisoc T616, 50MP camera, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 11999”
Tag: realme C35 price
realme C35 with 6.6″ FHD+ display, 50MP rear camera, 5000mAh battery announced
realme has announced the realme C35, the company’s latest smartphone in the budget C series in Thailand, as it had announced. The phone packs a 6.6″ FHD+ LCD screen, is powered by the new UNISOC T616 SoC with 4GB of RAM, runs Android 11, comes with a 50MP rear camera along with a 2MP macro and a VGA depth sensor. Continue reading “realme C35 with 6.6″ FHD+ display, 50MP rear camera, 5000mAh battery announced”