realme just launched its flagship realme GT 2 Pro, the company’s latest premium flagship smartphone in India, as it had announced. The phone packs a 6.7-inch Quad HD+ second generation LTPO 1-120Hz variable refresh rate screen with 1000Hz touch sampling rate for during gaming, 10240 levels of brightness adjustment and 92.6% screen-t0-body ratio, thanks to an extremely narrow frame. Continue reading “realme GT 2 Pro with 6.7″ QHD+ AMOLED 120Hz LTPO display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 launched in India starting at Rs. 49999”
Tag: realme GT 2 Pro price
realme GT 2 Pro with 6.7-inch Quad HD+ AMOLED 120Hz LTPO display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, up to 12GB RAM, 5000mAh battery announced
realme just introduced the realme GT 2 Pro, the company’s first premium flagship smartphone in China, as it had announced. The phone packs a 6.7-inch Quad HD+ second generation LTPO 1-120Hz variable refresh rate screen with 1000Hz touch sampling rate for during gaming, 10240 levels of brightness adjustment and 92.6% screen-t0-body ratio, thanks to an extremely narrow frame. The phone has DisplayMate A + certification, and features the next generation in-screen fingerprint scanner. Continue reading “realme GT 2 Pro with 6.7-inch Quad HD+ AMOLED 120Hz LTPO display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, up to 12GB RAM, 5000mAh battery announced”