realme TechLife recently confirmed the launch of Robot Vacuum, Handheld Vacuum Cleaner and Air Purifier in India on October 30th. It will also launch a Washing Machine on October 1st. The realme TechLife Robot Vacuum was launched in Europe back in June and the realme TechLife Air Purifier is already on sale in some countries. Continue reading “realme TechLife Robot Vacuum, Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Air Purifier and Washing Machine launching in India this week”
Tag: realme TechLife Robot Vacuum
realme TechLife Robot Vacuum with LiDAR mapping and navigation, 2-in-1 vacuum and mopping announced
realme today introduced TechLife Robot Vacuum, the company’s latest product at its Europe event, along with the realme GT. It has 2-in-1 Vacuum & Mopping, LiDAR Smart mapping & navigation system, intelligent surface adaptation, supports Google Assistant and Alexa and more. Continue reading “realme TechLife Robot Vacuum with LiDAR mapping and navigation, 2-in-1 vacuum and mopping announced”