Samsung Galaxy S5 breaks launch day sales record of Galaxy S4

Samsung has announced that its recently launched Galaxy S5 has selling better that its predecessor Galaxy S4. The latest flagship smartphone has set a new record for the company with opening day sales being 30% higher to that of the S4, according to reports from ZDnet Korea. The Galaxy S5 has reportedly sold twice as well in some European market.


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Whatsapp processes a record 27 billion messages in a day


Whatsapp, the ubiquitous instant messaging service, has hit a new record – a whopping 27 billion messages processed in a day. They tweeted out this announcement by explaining the split between outbound and inbound messages over a period of 24 hours. By comparison, Apple’s iMessage service processes around 1 billion messages a day which is a far cry from Whatsapp’s numbers. Having used the innovative form of tying up the service with a phone number, Whatsapp skyrocketed to popularity especially in India as it was basically used as a free SMS service when SMS rates were high and notorious in public holidays.

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