Xiaomi also launched the Redmi 12, 4G version of the Redmi 12 smartphone in India along with the Redmi 12 5G, as it had promised. The phone has a 6.79-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 8MP front-facing camera inside the punch hole, but this is powered by MediaTek Helio G88 SoC instead of Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 in the 5G model. Continue reading “Redmi 12 with 6.79″ FHD+ 90Hz display, up to 6GB RAM, 5000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 9999”
Tag: Redmi 12 price
Redmi 12 with 6.79″ FHD+ 90Hz display, glass back, IP53 ratings, 5000mAh battery announced
Xiaomi has officially announced the Redmi 12, the company’s latest 4G smartphone, after it surfaced in a listing earlier this month. The phone packs a 6.79-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 8MP front-facing camera inside the punch hole and is powered by MediaTek Helio G88 SoC. Continue reading “Redmi 12 with 6.79″ FHD+ 90Hz display, glass back, IP53 ratings, 5000mAh battery announced”
Redmi 12 with 6.79″ FHD+ 90Hz screen, 5000mAh battery surfaces
Xiaomi is anticipated to unveil the Redmi 12, a new 4G smartphone in the Redmi 12 series, soon. The phone was accidentally listed on Xiaomi Portugal website, revealing important specifications. The company has removed the page, but Kacper Skrzypek spotted it. Continue reading “Redmi 12 with 6.79″ FHD+ 90Hz screen, 5000mAh battery surfaces”