Xiaomi just launched the Redmi 13 5G, the company’s latest budget 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.79-inch FHD+ 120Hz LCD screen with a centre punch-hole, and is powered by Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 AE (Accelerated Edition) SoC with up to 8GB of RAM and up to 8GB of virtual RAM. Continue reading “Redmi 13 5G with 6.79″ FHD+ 120Hz display, 108MP camera launched in India”
Tag: Redmi 13 5G
Redmi 13 5G with 108MP camera launching in India on July 9
Xiaomi has confirmed the launch of Redmi 13 5G, the company’s next budget 5G smartphone and the successor to last year’s Redmi 12 5G in India on July 9th. The launch invite has Nora Fatehi, who shows off the device. Continue reading “Redmi 13 5G with 108MP camera launching in India on July 9”