Xiaomi has announced Redmi 13C, the company’s latest budget smartphone globally, after it was introduced as POCO C65 a few days back. It packs a 6.74-inch HD+ screen with 90Hz refresh rate, 8MP selfie camera inside the notch, but it is powered by Helio G85 SoC, same as the Redmi 12C. It has up to 8GB of RAM with additional 8GB RAM expansion. Continue reading “Redmi 13C with 6.74″ 90Hz display, Helio G85, up to 8GB RAM, 5000mAh battery announced”
Tag: Redmi 13C specs
Redmi 13C with 6.74″ display, Helio G99, 5000mAh battery listed online
Redmi 13C, the next budget Redmi smartphone, has been listed on Amazon global site. This reveals a similar design as POCO C65, which was introduced a few days back, but the listing reveals Helio G99 SoC instead of Helio G88 Soc in the POCO C65. Continue reading “Redmi 13C with 6.74″ display, Helio G99, 5000mAh battery listed online”