We had unboxed the Xiaomi Redmi 3S prime smartphone last month and also reviewed the smartphone recently. Even though it released only one variant of the Redmi 3S smartphone in China, which is called the Redmi 3S Prime in India, it also launched the Redmi 3S with 2GB of RAM, 16GB of storage and without a fingerprint sensor at Rs. 6999. We managed to get hold of both the devices and decided to show you the difference, here is the unboxing. We also show you the Voice over LTE (VoLTE) demo towards the end. Continue reading “Xiaomi Redmi 3S and Redmi 3S Prime Unboxing”
Tag: Redmi 3S Unboxing
Xiaomi Redmi 3S Unboxing
Xiaomi introduced the Redmi 3S smartphone in China last month. We managed to get one and unboxed it recently. Check out the video below.