Xiaomi has launched the Redmi Buds 6, the company’s latest TWS earbuds in India along with the Redmi Note 14 5G series, as it had promised. These feature 12.4mm titanium diaphragm + 5.5mm micro-piezoelectric ceramic dual driver units, and up to 49dB ANC. Continue reading “Redmi Buds 6 with dual drivers, up to 49dB ANC launched in India for Rs. 2999”
Tag: Redmi Buds 6
Redmi Buds 6 with dual drivers, up to 49dB ANC launching in India on December 9
Xiaomi has confirmed the launch of Redmi Buds 6, the company’s next TWS earbuds in India on December 9th along with the Redmi Note 14 series in India. Continue reading “Redmi Buds 6 with dual drivers, up to 49dB ANC launching in India on December 9”
Redmi Buds 6 with 49dB ANC, up to 42h total playback announced
Xiaomi today introduced the Redmi Buds 6 TWS earbuds in China alongside the Redmi Note 14 Pro series. Continue reading “Redmi Buds 6 with 49dB ANC, up to 42h total playback announced”