Xiaomi has launched the Redmi Smart Fire TV 32, the company’s first Smart TV running Fire TV OS in India, as it had promised. Powered by Amazon Fire OS, it comes with an Alexa voice-enabled remote that allows consumers to easily switch channels, launch apps, search for titles, play music, and control smart home devices with their voice. Continue reading “Redmi Smart Fire TV 32″ launched in India at an introductory price of Rs. 11999”
Tag: Redmi Fire TV 32
Redmi Fire TV launching in India on March 14
After teasers, Xiaomi has confirmed the launch of Redmi Fire TV in India on March 14th. This will be the company’s first TV with Fire OS since all others models run Android TV. The company has confirmed that it will be a 32-inch model. Continue reading “Redmi Fire TV launching in India on March 14”