Xiaomi’s Redmi brand just launched the Redmi K20 Pro, the latest flagship Redmi smartphone, as it had promised. It has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with 91.9% screen-to-body ratio, thanks to narrow 1.85mm side bezel, which the company calls Horizon AMOLED display, is powered by Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB of RAM, 8 layers of graphite 3D sheet for a better heat dissipation, Game Turbo 2.0 and runs Android Pie with MIUI 10 on top. It has a 48-megapixel rear camera with Sony IMX586 sensor, 8-megapixel telephoto lens for 2x loss-less zoom and a 13-megapixel 124.8° ultra-wide lens. Continue reading “Redmi K20 Pro with 6.39-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, in-display fingerprint scanner launched in India starting at Rs. 27999”