Redmi has launched Redmi Note 11 SE, the company’s next mid-range Redmi Note series smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has similar specifications as last year’s Redmi Note 10S, including a 6.43″ FHD+ AMOLED screen, Helio G95 SoC, 6GB RAM, 64MP rear camera, 13MP front camera and a 5000mAh with support for 33W fast charging. Continue reading “Redmi Note 11 SE with 6.43″ FHD+ AMOLED display, Helio G95, 6GB RAM launched in India for Rs. 13499”
Tag: Redmi Note 11 SE
Redmi Note 11 SE with 6.43″ FHD+ AMOLED display, Helio G95 launching in India on August 26
Redmi today announced that it will launch the Redmi Note 11 SE, the company’s next mid-range Redmi Note series smartphone in India on August 26th. This comes months after the launch of Redmi Note 11 in the country. Continue reading “Redmi Note 11 SE with 6.43″ FHD+ AMOLED display, Helio G95 launching in India on August 26”