Xiaomi just launched the Redmi Note 14 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It packs a 6.67-inch FHD+ flat OLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, up to 2100 nit peak brightness, 7.99mm sleek body. Continue reading “Redmi Note 14 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz OLED display, Dimensity 7025-Ultra, 5110mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 18,999”
Tag: Redmi Note 14 5G price
Redmi Note 14 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz OLED display, Dimensity 7025-Ultra, 5110mAh battery announced
Along with the Redmi Note 14 Pro series, Xiaomi also introduced the Redmi Note 14 5G model in China. It packs a 6.67-inch FHD+ flat OLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, up to 2100 nit peak brightness, 7.99mm sleek body. It is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 7025-Ultra SoC with up to 12GB RAM. Continue reading “Redmi Note 14 5G with 6.67″ FHD+ 120Hz OLED display, Dimensity 7025-Ultra, 5110mAh battery announced”