Xiaomi just launched the Redmi Note 14 Pro and Note 14 Pro+ smartphones in India, as it had promised. The phones pack a 6.67-inch 120Hz curved OLED display with up to 3000 nits peak brightness, 1920Hz high frequency PWM dimming, 12-bit color depth, and come with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2 protection. Continue reading “Redmi Note 14 Pro and Note 14 Pro+ launched in India starting at Rs. 24,999”
Tag: Redmi Note 14 Pro India
Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G with curved AMOLED display, 50MP telephoto camera, IP68 ratings, AI features teased ahead of India launch
Xiaomi already confirmed the India launch of Redmi Note 14 5G series in India on December 9th. Today, the company has started teasing the launch of the Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G. Continue reading “Redmi Note 14 Pro+ 5G with curved AMOLED display, 50MP telephoto camera, IP68 ratings, AI features teased ahead of India launch”
Redmi Note 14 5G Series launching in India on December 9th
After teasers, Xiaomi has confirmed the launch of Redmi Note 14 5G series in India on December 9th, which is earlier compared to the usual January launch timeline of the Redmi Note series smartphones in the country. Continue reading “Redmi Note 14 5G Series launching in India on December 9th”