Xiaomi just announced Redmi Note 9 5G, Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G and Redmi Note 9 4G smartphones in China, as it had promised. The top-end Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G packs a 6.67-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with 120Hz 6-stop variable refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate, 3.8mm tiny notch that houses a 16MP camera. The phone is powered by Snapdragon 750G 7nm Mobile platform with 5G SA/NSA support, 360° antennas, 3 dimension liquid cooling that can reduce the temperature up to 5℃ and comes with glass back with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection. Continue reading “Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G with 6.67-inch FHD+ 120Hz display, Snapdragon 750G, 108MP quad rear cameras, Redmi Note 9 5G and Note 9 4G announced”