Xiaomi’s Redmi brand this year launched the Redmi Note 9 Pro and Note 9 Pro Max smartphones. Both have the same design and share almost similar specifications with the main change being the cameras and it also has support for faster charging. This lies in the same price range as the POCO X2, but doesn’t feature feature high refresh rate option. Let us dive into the review to find out what the device has to offer. Since I had reviewed the Note 9 Pro few weeks back, let’s see if the Note 9 Pro Max is worth the additional cost for the additional features. Continue reading “Redmi Note 9 Pro Max Review: Whole in One”
Tag: Redmi Note 9 Pro Max
Redmi Note 9 Pro Max sale delayed due to state lockdowns across India
Xiaomi’s Redmi brand launched the Redmi Note 9 Pro and Note 9 Pro Max smartphones in India earlier this month. The Redmi Note 9 Pro went on first sale on Amazon.in, Mi.com and Mi Home Stores on 17th March, and at the launch event the company said that the Note 9 Pro Max will be available from Amazon.in, Mi.com and Mi Home Stores starting from March 25th. Now announced that the phone will not go on sale on the promised date and will be available soon without mentioned any tentative date. Continue reading “Redmi Note 9 Pro Max sale delayed due to state lockdowns across India”