Along with the Redmi K40 series, Xiaomi also introduced new RedmiBook Pro 15 and Pro 14 laptops in China, as it had promised. The RedmiBook Pro 15 has 3.2k screen with support for 90Hz high refresh-rate, 4.3mm narrow frame and 89.1% screen-to-body ratio, and the RedmiBook Pro 14 has 2.5k screen with 4.3mm narrow frame and 88.2% screen-to-body ratio. These are powered by 11th Generation Intel Core i7 and i5 processors. Continue reading “RedmiBook Pro 15 with 3.2k 90Hz display and RedmiBook Pro 14 with 2.5k display, 11th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 processor announced”
Tag: RedmiBook Pro 15
RedmiBook Pro with up to 11th gen Intel Core i7 H35-series processor, metal body to be announced on February 25
After teasers Xiaomi has confirmed that it will introduce the new RedmiBook Pro, the company’s top-end laptop in China on February 25th along with the Redmi K40 series. The company already confirmed it will feature 11th Gen Intel Core i7 H35-series Special Edition processor and MX450 GPU. The laptop will come with a 2K display compared to Full HD display in earlier RedmiBook Pro models. Continue reading “RedmiBook Pro with up to 11th gen Intel Core i7 H35-series processor, metal body to be announced on February 25”