Reliance Jio has reported Rs. 11,106 crore revenue, up 7.0 % QoQ and 55.8 YoY and a net profit of 840 crore, up 1.1% QoQ and 64.7% YoY for its seventh quarterly financial performance for the period that ended 31st March
2019. Jio reported Standalone earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of 4,329 crore, up 6.8% QoQ, EBITDA margin of 39%, and Standalone earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of 2,585 crore, up 9.1% QoQ . Continue reading “Reliance Jio reports Rs. 840 crore profit in FY Q4 2018-19, crosses 300 million subscribers”