Reliance Jio has reported Rs. 9240 crore revenue, up 13.9% QoQ and 50.3 YoY and a net profit of 681 crore, up 11.3% QoQ for its fifth quarterly financial performance for the period that ended 30th September, 2018. Jio reported Standalone earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of 3,573 crore, up 13.5% QoQ, EBITDA margin of 38.7%, and Standalone earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of 2,042 crore, up 19.6% QoQ . Consolidated value of services stood at 10,901 crore, up 13.9% over trailing quarter. It has 252.3 million subscribers as of September 30th, achieving it in 25 months of commencemnt of services.