Samsung has announced its latest Exynos 990 SoC, soon after the Exynos 980 that was introduced last month. This uses 7nm EUV (extreme ultra violet) lithography processing technology for better power efficiency, same as Exynos 9825 SoC that powers the Galaxy Note10. This has tri-cluster CPU structure that consists of two powerful custom cores, two high-performance Cortex-A76 cores and four power-efficient Cortex-A55 cores. It has dual-core neural processing unit (NPU) and improved digital signal processor (DSP) that can perform over ten-trillion operations (TOPs) per second. Continue reading “Samsung Exynos 990 7nm EUV SoC with support for up to 120Hz refresh-rate displays, LPDDR5, up to 108MP camera and 5G Exynos Modem 5123 announced”