Samsung has unveiled GALAXY Ace Plus, successor of Samsung GALAXY Ace. It comes with 3.65-inch TFT display and is powered by 1 GHz Processor. It runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). It also comes with 5MP Auto Focus Camera with LED Flash, Samsung ChatON mobile communication service and ThinkFree document editing tool. It comes with 3GB internal memory (2GB of shared storage capacity for multimedia content and up to 1GB of direct storage for applications) Continue reading “Samsung GALAXY Ace Plus announced, 3.65-inch display and 1 GHz Processor”
Tag: Samsung Android phone
Samsung Dart officially launched by T-Mobile USA
Yesterday, we told you that T-Mobile USA will be launching Samsung Dart on June 15th along with HTC Sensation 4G. Today they officially launched the Sensation 4G, and also the Samsung Dart. As we told you, Samsung Dart is an entry level Android handset and it comes with some low-end but good specs. It comes with Swype keyboard as well as Video messaging. Continue reading “Samsung Dart officially launched by T-Mobile USA”