Samsung has officially announced the Exynos 9 Series 9810 SoC, as it had promised, after it was revealed in CES 2018 Innovation Awards announcement. It is the successor of Exynos 9 Series 8895 SoC that powers the Galaxy S8 series and the Galaxy Note8. It is based on the 2nd generation 10-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology, and has new eight-core CPU with four of the company’s powerful 3rd generation custom designed CPU cores along with other four optimized for efficiency and an industry-first 6CA LTE modem and deep learning processing capabilities.
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Tag: Samsung Exynos 9 Series 9810
Samsung Exynos 9 Series 9810 10nm SoC with 3rd gen custom CPU cores official, could power Galaxy S9
Samsung has silently made the Exynos 9 Series 9810 SoC official that is revealed in CES 2018 Innovation Awards announcement. It is the successor of Exynos 9 Series 8895 SoC that powers the Galaxy S8 series and the Galaxy Note8. It is based on the 2nd generation 10-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology, uses company’s 3rd generation custom designed CPU cores and has LTE Cat.18 6CA-supported modem that offers maximum download speed of up to 1.2Gbp (Cat.18). Continue reading “Samsung Exynos 9 Series 9810 10nm SoC with 3rd gen custom CPU cores official, could power Galaxy S9”