In addition to Galaxy A50 and Galaxy A30, Samsung also launched the Galaxy A10 smartphone in the ‘A series’ in India first. It has a 6.2-inch HD+ Infinity-V display, is powered by new Exynos 7884 Octa-Core processor and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with Samsung One UI. It has a single 13-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front camera with face unlock. It packs a 3,400mAh battery.
Tag: Samsung Galaxy A10
Samsung Galaxy A50 with in-display fingerprint sensor, triple rear cameras, Galaxy A10 and Galaxy A30 detailed specifications surface
Samsung, after the M20 and M10 launch in India has moved on to next phase, the company is said to be working on refreshed models of its A-series line-up for 2019. The complete specification sheet of the Galaxy A10, Galaxy A30, and Galaxy A50 have surfaced the internet, ahead of the launch, which is expected to happen very soon. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy A50 with in-display fingerprint sensor, triple rear cameras, Galaxy A10 and Galaxy A30 detailed specifications surface”