Samsung launched the Galaxy A54 5G smartphone last week as the successor to the Galaxy A53 5G. This gets a better screen, faster Exynos 1380 5nm SoC and better cameras, while retaining the same battery, but the phone also gets costlier. Is this a good upgrade compared to the Galaxy A53 5G? Let us dive into the review to find out.
Tag: Samsung Galaxy A54 5G
Samsung Galaxy A54 5G teased officially ahead of launch
Samsung has officially started teasing the launch of Galaxy A54 5G smartphone on its site. The company asks to sign up to be the first to know about exciting launch offers, but the page is not up yet. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy A54 5G teased officially ahead of launch”
Samsung Galaxy A54 5G press renders surface in four colours
Samsung Galaxy surfaced in CAD-based renders last month, now the press render of the phone has surfaced, thanks to Android Headlines. This shows the phone in Black, Purple, White and Greenish Yellow colours, and the official name of the colours should be available at the launch. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy A54 5G press renders surface in four colours”