Samsung has cut the price of the Android Jelly Bean-powered Galaxy Camera, which is now available for Rs.26,000 in India. The Samsung Galaxy Camera was announced at IFA, Berlin last August and launched in India last November for Rs. 29,900. We reviewed it at the end of November. Samsung announced the Wi-Fi only version of the Galaxy Camera earlier this week. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera price drops to Rs. 26000”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy Camera
Samsung Galaxy Camera Review
Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Camera at IFA, Berlin in August, that launched in India last week. You saw the unboxing of the Galaxy Camera recently. The Galaxy Camera is a Smart Camera that runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It has a 4.8-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD Super Clear Touch LCD Display. It is powered by a 1.4 GHz quad-core Exynos processor similar to the S III. Let’s dive into the complete review. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera Review”
Samsung Galaxy Camera Unboxing
We have a really crazy gadget here at FoneArena today for unboxing. If you were wondering what the gadget is about , it is a camera running on Android Jelly Bean. Samsung announced this product at IFA couple of months back in Germany along with the Galaxy Note 2. Today we have the unboxing of the Samsung Galaxy Camera exclusively on FoneArena. What does the final product look like ? How does Android Jellybean look like on a camera ! Watch the unboxing video below! Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera Unboxing”
Samsung Galaxy Camera Photo Gallery
Samsung announced at the Galaxy Note II launch today that the Galaxy Camera would launch in India by Diwali, which is November. We got some hands-on time with the 1.4 GHz quad-Core powered camera running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera Photo Gallery”
Samsung Galaxy Camera launching in India by mid-November
Samsung launched the Galaxy Note II in India few hours back. They have also announced that the Galaxy Camera would launch in India in India by Diwali, which is mid-November. Samsung announced the Galaxy Camera at IFA Berlin last month. The 16 Megapixel camera has a F2.8 aperture, 23 mm focal length and 21x Optical Zoom Lens with BSI CMOS sensor. It packs in a 4.77-inch 308 ppi HD Super Clear Touch Display and is powered by an 1.4GHz Quad-Core processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Camera launching in India by mid-November”