Samsung Galaxy Core 2 (SM-G355H), the company’s latest mid-range smartphone and the successor of Galaxy Core is now on sale through the official Samsung India eStore, as expected. It packs a 4.5-inch (800 x 480 Pixels) capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Samsung TouchWiz Essence UI. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Core 2 goes on sale in India for Rs. 11900”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 price
Samsung Galaxy Core 2 expected to go on sale in India this week for Rs. 11599
Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Core 2 (SM-G355H), its latest mid-range smartphone and the successor of Galaxy Core recently. Manish Khatri from Mahesh Telecom reports that the phone would be priced at Rs. 11,599 (MOP) and the MRP would be Rs. 13,390. It packs a 4.5-inch (800 x 480 Pixels) capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Samsung TouchWiz Essence UI. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Core 2 expected to go on sale in India this week for Rs. 11599”