Samsung launched the Galaxy E5 smartphone in India for Rs 19,300 earlier this month. The phone has a uni-body design and is another device from company’s E series of smartphone. We have already seen the unboxing of the phone, now lets take a look at the hardware of the phone in this photo gallery. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy E5 Photo Gallery”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy E5
Samsung Galaxy E5 and Galaxy E7 launched in India for Rs. 19300 and Rs. 23000
Samsung today launched the Galaxy E5 and Galaxy E7 smartphones in India in its new E series, along with the A series smartphones. These smartphones have 5-inch and 5.5-inch Super AMOLED displays, respectively and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat). These smartphones are just 7.3mm thick and are targeted at youth. Check out the specifications below. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy E5 and Galaxy E7 launched in India for Rs. 19300 and Rs. 23000”