Samsung just launched the Galaxy F42 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone in the F series in India, as it had announced. It packs a 6.6-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with Infinity-V notch and 90Hz refresh rate, is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC with up to 8GB of RAM, has a 64MP rear camera, 5MP ultra-wide camera and 2MP depth sensor. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F42 5G with 6.6-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, up to 8GB RAM, 5000mAh battery launched in India”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy F42 5G
Samsung Galaxy F42 5G with 6.6-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, 12 5G bands launching in India on September 29
Update: Samsung has confirmed the launch of Galaxy F42 5G in India on September 29th. It has also confirmed FHD+ 90Hz screen, 64MP rear camera, 12 5G bands, 5000mAh battery and more. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F42 5G with 6.6-inch FHD+ 90Hz display, Dimensity 700, 12 5G bands launching in India on September 29”