Samsung launched the Galaxy F54 5G in India today. The phone brings the Exynos 1380 SoC from the A54, but has a bigger FHD+ Super AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, bigger 6000mAh battery, but doesn’t have IP67 ratings for dust and water resistance. We got to check out the smartphone, here are our first impressions. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F54 5G Unboxing and First Impressions”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy F54 5G
Samsung Galaxy F54 5G with 6.7″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, 6000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 29999
Samsung has launched the Galaxy F54 5G, the company next ‘F series’ phone in India, as it had promised. The phone has the same Exynos 1380 SoC as the A54, but this has a bigger 6.7-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED Plus screen with a 32MP camera inside the punch-hole. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F54 5G with 6.7″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, 6000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 29999”
Samsung Galaxy F54 5G pre-reservation begins ahead of India launch on June 6
After rumours, Samsung has confirmed the launch of Galaxy F54 5G, the company’s next mid-range F series 5G smartphone in India on June 6th. It has also started pre-reservation of the phone at Rs. 999 on its website and Flipkart. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F54 5G pre-reservation begins ahead of India launch on June 6”