Samsung just launched the Galaxy F62 (SM-E625F), the company’s latest smartphone in the F series in India, as it had announced. It has a 6.7-inch Full HD+ Infinity-O Super AMOLED Plus display with over 91% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Exynos 9825 7nm SoC with up to 8GB of RAM, features a 64-megapixel rear camera, 12-megapixel 123° ultra-wide angle camera, 5-megapixel depth sensor, 5-megapixel macro camera and a 32-megapixel camera on the front. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F62 with 6.7-inch FHD+ AMOLED Infinity O Display, Exynos 9825, 7000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 23999”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy F62
Samsung Galaxy F62 with Exynos 9825 7nm SoC, 7000mAh battery launching in India on February 15
Update: Samsung has officially confirmed 7000mAh battery for the phone with a new teaser image. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F62 with Exynos 9825 7nm SoC, 7000mAh battery launching in India on February 15”
Samsung Galaxy F62 with Exynos 9825 SoC, 7000mAh battery said to launch in India this February
Samsung is all set to launch Galaxy F62 (SM-E625F/DS), the company’s new mid-range ‘F series’ smartphone in India this month, according to the latest IANS report. The phone surfaced a few weeks back in benchmarks revealing some specifications and will reportedly pack a 7000mAh battery, same as the Galaxy M51 that was launched recently. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy F62 with Exynos 9825 SoC, 7000mAh battery said to launch in India this February”