Samsung has officially launched the Galaxy J2, the company’s latest entry-level 4G smartphone in India. It has a new Ultra Data Saving mode powered by Opera Max that let users to allow and block individual apps from using mobile data and save data by enabling data optimization. Ultra Data Saving mode promises up to 50% savings in data across all the content and most apps and also frees up to 11% RAM.
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Tag: Samsung Galaxy J2 price
Samsung Galaxy J2 with 4G LTE announced in India for Rs. 8490
Samsung today introduced the Galaxy J2, the company’s latest budget 4G smartphone in India, according to a report from The Hindu Business Line. The smartphone is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor, packs 1GB of RAM and has new ultra data saving mode that would compress the data across all contents such as videos, photos, media, most apps and websites to save data up to 50%. This is similar to Opera Max that was launched in India in June. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy J2 with 4G LTE announced in India for Rs. 8490”