Samsung has confirmed that it will launch Galaxy J6 smartphone in the ‘J series’ in India on May 21st. India will be one of the first countries to get the smartphone, and the company has confirmed that it will feature an Infinity display with 18:9 aspect ratio. The company will also launch the Galaxy A6+ (SM-A605F) alongside, which was introduced earlier this month.
Tag: Samsung Galaxy J4 2018
Samsung Galaxy J4 with 5.5-inch display, Exynos 7570 14nm SoC, Android 8.0 Oreo live images surface
Samsung is prepping to launch the Galaxy J4 in the J-series, and now the live images of the phone have surfaced online including the official Galaxy J4 support pages. This new series of leaks suggest that the phone is on the verge of going official. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy J4 with 5.5-inch display, Exynos 7570 14nm SoC, Android 8.0 Oreo live images surface”