Samsung on Thursday launched two new Galaxy J series devices in India – the Samsung Galaxy J5 and the Samsung Galaxy J7. Both devices were recently launched in China last month, but Indian variants feature slightly different specifications. We went hands on with both devices at the launch event in Delhi, and here are our impressions about the Galaxy J5. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy J5 Hands On”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy J5 price
Samsung Galaxy J5 and J7 launched in India for Rs. 11999 and Rs. 14999
Samsung has launched Galaxy J5 and Galaxy J7, the company’s latest selfie-focused smartphones with 5-megapixel front-facing camera with LED flash in India, as expected. The Galaxy J5 has a 5-inch HD screen and is powered by a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 SoC, while the Galaxy J7 comes with a 5.5-inch HD display and is powered by an Octa-Core Exynos 7580 SoC. Both these smartphones run on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with new UI and have a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash. Both these have 4G connectivity with support for 1800 MHz (Band 3) and 2300 MHz (Band 40) LTE in India. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy J5 and J7 launched in India for Rs. 11999 and Rs. 14999”