Samsung has launched the Galaxy M21 2021 Edition smartphone in India on as it had promised. It has almost the same specifications as last year’s Galaxy M21, but this comes with a new rear panel design and the new model has a 48MP Samsung ISOCELL GM2 sensor instead of GM1 in the old model. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 Edition with 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, 6000mAh battery launched in India starting at Rs. 12499”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy M21 2021
Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 Edition with 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, 6000mAh battery launching in India on July 21
After teasers, Amazon has confirmed the launch of Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 Edition smartphone in India on July 21st as a part of Prime Day 2021 sales. This confirms a 6.4-inch FHD+ Infinity-U Super AMOLED display, 48MP triple rear cameras and a 6000mAh batter for the phone, same as last year’s Galaxy M21. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 Edition with 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, 6000mAh battery launching in India on July 21”