Samsung introduced the Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 with a huge 12.2-inch screen at the CES 2014 last month. It was launched in India at the Samsung Asia Forum 2014 in Bali earlier this week at a price tag of Rs. 64,900. We got to check out the tablet at the event. The NotePRO looks similar to the TabPRO 12.2 and also has almost similar specifications, but this has a S Pen stylus and Wacom Digitizer for pressure sensitive input. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 First Look”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 Hands On
Samsung Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 Hands On
Samsung introduced the Galaxy NotePRO 12.2, the company’s latest tablet with a huge 12.2-inch screen at CES earlier this week. Since this belongs to the Note category, it comes with a S Pen stylus that docks on the back of the tablet and has a Wacom Digitizer for pressure sensitive input. It has a 12.2-inch (2560×1600 pixels) WQXGA display, powered by a Octa-Core Exynos 5 or a quad-core Snapdragon 800 depending on the 3G and 4G LTE variants and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Samsung’s own Touch Wiz UI on top. We had some hands-on time with the tablet at the CES show floor. Check out the hands on video below. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 Hands On”