Samsung has announced Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G along with the Galaxy S21 5G and S21+ 5G smartphones at its Galaxy Unpacked online, as it had promised. It packs a 6.8-inch Quad HD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X Infinity-O Display with 1-120Hz variable refresh rate, is powered by Snapdragon 888 / Exynos 2100 5nm 5G SoCs with depending on the market. The phone feature in-display Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanner, run Android 11 with OneUI 3.1 and come with Samsung services like Bixby, Samsung Health and Samsung Pay. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G with 6.8-inch Quad HD+ Dynamic AMOLED Infinity-O adaptive 120Hz display, up to 16GB RAM, S Pen support announced”