Samsung just launched the Galaxy S23 FE (Fan Edition), the company’s latest mid-range S series in India, after it was introduced earlier today. It packs a 6.4-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED Infinity-O Flat Display with 120Hz refresh rate, is powered by Exynos 2200 SoC in India, supports 5G SA/NSA, has 8GB RAM, features an in-display Optical Fingerprint Scanner, and runs Android 13 out of the box. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE launched in India at an effective starting price of Rs. 49999”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy S23 FE
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with 6.4″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 / Exynos 2200, IP68 ratings announced
Samsung has announced the Galaxy S23 FE, the company’s latest Fan Edition smartphone in the S23 series. This has a 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen with 120Hz refresh rate, is powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 or Exynos 2200 depending on the market. India will get the Exynos version, as usual. There is also vapor chamber cooling. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with 6.4″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 / Exynos 2200, IP68 ratings announced”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE teased ahead of India launch on October 4
Update: Samsung has confirmed the launch of S23 FE in India on October 4th. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE teased ahead of India launch on October 4”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with 6.3″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display gets certified
After renders, Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with the model number SM-S7110 has been certified by MIIT / TENAA in China, revealing the complete specifications and a familiar design. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with 6.3″ FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display gets certified”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE India launch imminent as it shows up on BIS site
After renders and Geekbench listing, Samsung Galaxy S23 FE 5G with the SM-S711B/DS has showed on BIS certification site, hinting at the launch of the phone in India soon. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE India launch imminent as it shows up on BIS site”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with Exynos 2200 surfaces in benchmarks
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE, the most-expected successor to last year’s Galaxy S21 FE, has surfaced in Geekbench listing with the model number SM-S711B. This reveals that the phone will have S5E9925 chip, which is Exynos 2200 which was first used in the Galaxy S22 in some countries. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE with Exynos 2200 surfaces in benchmarks”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE surfaces in renders
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE, the next smartphone in the Galaxy S23 series, has surfaced in renders, thanks to @OnLeaks. This has a familiar design that coincides with the other phones in the S23 series, and still retains triple rear cameras. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE surfaces in renders”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE could launch in select markets in Q3 2023
Samsung is expected to launch the Galaxy S23 FE smartphone in select markets in Q3, 2023, according to a new report from Sammobile. This coincides with earlier rumours. This also says that the company is planning to launch the phone widely in Q4 2023 and in Q1 2024. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE could launch in select markets in Q3 2023”
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE could launch in Q3 2023
There were rumours about the Galaxy S22 FE a couple of months back, which said that the phone will replace the Galaxy A74 in 2023. Now, a new report from Korea says that the company is planning to launch the Galaxy S23 FE directly in August or September this year. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S23 FE could launch in Q3 2023”