Samsung launched the Galaxy S6 smartphone in India last month starting at Rs. 49,900. We unboxed it recently, here we have the benchmarks of the smartphone. The Galaxy S6 is powered by a Octa-Core 14 nm Exynos 7420 SoC which has four ARM Cortex A57 CPUs clocked at 2.1 GHz and four ARM Cortex A53 CPUs clocked at 1.5GHz. It has 772 MHz Mali T760 MP8 GPU and 3GB RAM LPDDR4 RAM, similar to the S6 Edge. It has a 5.1-inch Quad HD (2560×1440 pixels) Super AMOLED display and runs on Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop). Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S6 Benchmarks”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy S6 Benchmarks
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge leaks in Geekbench benchmark
Another day, another leak related to MWC 2015 and as it seems, yet another leak related to Samsung’s pair of new devices – the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge. Both handsets have appeared several times in leaks recently and the latest leak shows the latter will offer more than just a unique display. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge leaks in Geekbench benchmark”
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge AnTuTu benchmark reveals record performance
Benchmarking is considered a somewhat-suspect subject when measuring the performance of a handset but before launch, it can give us a real indication of how well a handset is likely to perform. Samsung’s new smartphones – the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge – are both likely to be announced in under a couple of weeks and as we’re now seeing from an AnTuTu leak, they could be the most powerful smartphones yet. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge AnTuTu benchmark reveals record performance”