Samsung on Wednesday launched its Galaxy S6 Edge+ in India with a hefty price tag of Rs. 57,900. The phone is a large-screen variant of the Galaxy S6 Edge and was announced at the Galaxy Unpacked 2015 event last week. We spent some time with the device at its launch event in Delhi and here are our impressions of it. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ Hands On Impressions”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Keyboard cover
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ with 5.7-inch Quad HD display, 4GB RAM, 16MP camera announced
Samsung has announced the Galaxy S6 edge+ smartphone at the Galaxy Unpacked 2015 event, as expected. It has a 5.7-inch Quad HD (2560×1440 pixels) Super AMOLED display that is curved on both the sides, is powered by a Octa-Core ( Quad 2.1GHz + Quad 1.5GHz) Exynos 7420 processor and runs on Android 5.1 (Lollipop). It has a 16-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, OIS and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. The Quick Launch feature lets you launch the camera in less than one second by double clicking the home button, Auto Real-time HDR and new filters.
Samsung may offer a 60 Euro worth physical keyboard cover with upcoming Galaxy S6 Edge+
We have been hearing a lot of rumours about Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Edge successor over the past few weeks. Fresh in line is a physical keyboard accessory for the alleged S6 Edge+ that will retail for around 60 Euros. Continue reading “Samsung may offer a 60 Euro worth physical keyboard cover with upcoming Galaxy S6 Edge+”