Samsung has officially launched the Samsung Galaxy Star (GT-S5282). It was announced last month along with the Galaxy Pocket Neo and went on sale online earlier this week. It packs a 3-inch (320 x 240 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1 GHz processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It comes with a 2-megapixel rear camera, 2G (EDGE) support and has Dual SIM support with Smart Dual SIM feature that enables the user to receive calls on one SIM number while taking a call from the other. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Star officially launched in India for Rs. 5240”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy Star
Samsung Galaxy Star Duos running Android 4.1 launching in India soon
Samsung Galaxy Star Duos (GT-S5282), an entry-level Android smartphone has been spotted on Samsung India website. It was announced last month along with the Galaxy Pocket Neo. The Galaxy Star Duos has a 3-inch (320 x 240 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1 GHz processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). It has a 2-megapixel rear camera and comes with 2G (EDGE) support. It has Dual SIM support with Always On feature that would forward calls to the other SIM. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Star Duos running Android 4.1 launching in India soon”
Samsung Galaxy Pocket Neo and Galaxy Star with 3-inch display, Android 4.1 announced
Samsung has announced Galaxy Pocket Neo and Galaxy Star, two new Android smartphones in the Galaxy series. The Samsung Galaxy Pocket Neo is the upgraded version of the last year’s Galaxy Pocket and the Galaxy Star is a budget phone with 2G EDGE support. Both these phones have a 3-inch (320 x 240 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and has a 2-megapixel rear camera. The Galaxy Pocket Neo is powered by a 850 MHz processor and the Galaxy Star has a 1 GHz processor. Both these phones would come in Dual SIM variants with Always On feature that would forward calls to the other SIM, depending on the market.
Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Pocket Neo and Galaxy Star with 3-inch display, Android 4.1 announced”