Samsung has has launched Galaxy Tab A7 Lite and the Galaxy Tab S7 FE, new tablets in the A7 series and the S7 series in India, as it had promised. The Galaxy Tab A7 Lite packs an 8.7-inch WXGA+ TFT LCD screen, is powered by an Octa-core MediaTek Helio P22T SoC paired with 3GB RAM, 8MP autofocus rear camera and a 2MP front camera. It runs on Android 11 with One UI and the tablet packs a 5100mAh battery with 15W fast charging. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite and Galaxy Tab S7 FE LTE launched in India starting at Rs. 11999”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite price
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite with 8.7-inch WXGA+ display, 4G LTE, stereo speakers, Dolby Atmos announced
Samsung today introduced the Galaxy Tab A7 Lite, the company’s latest Android tablet. It packs an 8.7-inch WXGA+ TFT LCD screen, is powered by an Octa-core SoC which should be an MediaTek Helio P22T SoC paired with up to 4GB RAM, 8MP autofocus rear camera and a 2MP front camera. It runs on Android 11 with One UI and the tablet packs a 5100mAh battery with 15W fast charging. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite with 8.7-inch WXGA+ display, 4G LTE, stereo speakers, Dolby Atmos announced”