Samsung has announced Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro, the company’s latest rugged tablet, even though it was supposed to launch alongside the XCover6 Pro in June. It is MIL-STD-810H certified to withstand extreme altitudes, temperatures, vibration, humidity and can also endure drops of up to 1m, or with the protective cover that comes inbox, drops of up to 1.2m. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro rugged tablet with 10.1″ WUXGA display, built-in S Pen announced”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 Pro
Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro and Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro to be announced on July 13
Samsung is gearing up to introduce the Galaxy XCover6 Pro smartphone and Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro tablet on July 13th in ‘Samsung Together 2022’ online event. This will be the successor to the XCover 5 that was introduced the last year. The Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro will be the successor to the Galaxy Tab Active3 that was introduced back in 2020. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro and Galaxy Tab Active4 Pro to be announced on July 13”