Samsung has announced Galaxy Tab S6 5G, which is the 5G version of the Galaxy Tab S6 that was introduced last year. It is powered by a Octa-Core Snapdragon 855 SoC with Qualcomm X50 5G modem. Other specifications are similar including a 10.5-inch Super AMOLED WQXGA screen, quad-stereo speakers tuned by AKG by HARMAN, in-display fingerprint scanner, 8-megapixel primary camera along with a 5-megapixel 123-degree ultra-wide camera and an 8-megapixel front camera. It has a 5.7mm slim metal body and weighs 420g. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 5G with S Pen, 10.5-inch WQXGA Super AMOLED display, dual rear cameras announced”