Samsung announced the Galaxy TabPro S, it’s first 2-in-1 Windows 10 Tablet with a 12-inch (2160×1440 pixels) Super AMOLED display, 6th Gen Intel Core M processor and 4GB of RAM at the CES 2016 earlier this year. Now it has launched the device in the US and UK. It comes bundled with a full-sized keyboard cover that has a flexible hinge enables optimal, dual-angle viewing and connects via Pogo pin that eliminates the need for pairing or charging separately and also has a touchpad. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy TabPro S 2-in-1 launched in the US and UK for $899.99 and £849”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy TabPro S
Samsung Galaxy TabPro S Hands On: First Impressions
Samsung unveiled its latest Windows 10 powered tablet, the Galaxy TabPro S at its CES dedicated event in Las Vegas.
From the outset, the Samsung Galaxy TabPro S looks like the South Korean manufacturer’s answer for Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4. We had a chance to play with the device and here are our thoughts about it. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy TabPro S Hands On: First Impressions”
Samsung Galaxy TabPro S 2-in-1 Tablet with Windows 10 announced
Samsung just announced the Samsung Galaxy TabPro S, it’s first 2-in-1 Windows 10 Tablet at the CES 2016. It has a 12-inch (2160×1440 pixels) Super AMOLED display with 94% of natural tones, is powered by 6th Gen Intel Core M processor, has 4GB of RAM, 128/256GB SSD, 5-megapixel auto focus rear and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. It weighs 693 grams and has LTE Cat 6. support as an option. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy TabPro S 2-in-1 Tablet with Windows 10 announced”