Samsung has launched the Galaxy XCover7 in India, after it was introduced last month. It is the first ever enterprise focused smartphone from Samsung that is also engineered to survive extreme conditions. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy XCover7 rugged phone launched in India”
Tag: Samsung Galaxy XCover 7
Samsung Galaxy XCover7 and Galaxy Tab Active5 announced
Samsung has introduced Galaxy XCover7 as the successor to XCover6 Pro, and the Galaxy Tab Active5, successor to Tab Active4 Pro that were introduced back in 2022. Both these have MIL-STD-810H3 military standard, the Galaxy XCover7 is designed to be shock-resistant to drops of up to 1.5m, while the Galaxy Tab Active5 can withstand a 1.8m drop when using the bundled protective case. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy XCover7 and Galaxy Tab Active5 announced”