Samsung Galaxy Y Duos in now available in India from online retailer Flipkart. Samsung Galaxy Y Duos and Galaxy Y Pro DUOS, Dual SIM Android smartphones went on pre-order in India last month. The Samsung Galaxy Y Duos has 3.14-inch touch screen display and has polished metallic casing. It is powered by 832 MHz processor and runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. It is 11.98mm thin and weighs 109 g. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Y Duos goes on sale in India for Rs. 9260”
Tag: Samsung GALAXY Y DUOS Price India
Samsung GALAXY Y DUOS and GALAXY Y Pro DUOS up for pre-order in India
Samsung GALAXY Y DUOS and GALAXY Y Pro DUOS, Dual SIM Android phones are now available for pre-order in India from online retailer Letsbuy. These are the Dual SIM versions of the GALAXY Y and the GALAXY Y Pro Android phones. These phones were announced last December. Continue reading “Samsung GALAXY Y DUOS and GALAXY Y Pro DUOS up for pre-order in India”