Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Review: A Businessman’s Flagship

To push the technological edge is what flagships are for. My first Samsung flagship experience didn’t start with the S series, it started with the Note Edge, a novel innovation in display where information could be presented in a curve off the side.

From there began the engineering of AMOLED screens that could flex and fast-forward to now, we have the 6th generation of foldable screens, taking this technology to the pinnacle of evolution. Complementing it, is the “smart” part of the experience, which started with a humble auto-complete keyboard, now grown into a full-blown predictive, context-driven and generative AI experience waiting to help and surprise you at every turn, or should I say, at every unfolding. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 is hardcore engineering fused with excellence reached in the domains of display, performance and AI, ultimately coming together to give you a highly productive experience that just gets things done. One that perfectly fits a businessman. Read to know more. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Review: A Businessman’s Flagship”