Samsung just launched the Gear Fit2 Pro fitness tracker with a new watch-style clasp and the Gear Sport smartwatch in India. Both these were introduced at the IFA 2017. The Gear Fit2 Pro has a 1.5-inch Curved Super AMOLED screen and built-in GPS and runs Tizen OS, similar to the predecessor The Gear Sport has a 1.2-inch Circular Super AMOLED Always On display and comes with GPS, Heart rate sensor and NFC for Samsung Pay. It has easily changeable standard 20mm straps.
Tag: Samsung Gear Sport price
Samsung Gear Sport and Gear IconX 2018 price and availability in the U.S. announced
Samsung had launched the Gear Sport and Gear IconX 2018 back in August at the IFA event, and today the company has announced the pricing and availability details of the devices in USA.
Samsung Gear Sport with 1.2-inch Circular Super AMOLED display, military-level durability announced
Samsung has announced Gear Sport, its latest smartwatch at the IFA 2017. It has a 1.2-inch Circular Super AMOLED Always On display and comes with GPS, Heart rate sensor and NFC for Samsung Pay. It has easily changeable standard 20mm straps. Continue reading “Samsung Gear Sport with 1.2-inch Circular Super AMOLED display, military-level durability announced”