Samsung India has announced that the Voice Focus feature will be available on select A-series smartphones as part of the One UI 5 software update. This new feature will allow for voice enhancement during calls, resulting in clear audio on both the caller and listener ends. Continue reading “Samsung India brings Voice Focus to select A series phones”
Tag: Samsung One UI 5
Samsung One UI 5 roll out is quicker than ever before
Back in August, Samsung announced the beta release of their latest software, One UI 5, which is based on Android 13. The Pixel phones received the Android 13 stable update the same month. Within just two months after the stable Android 13 update from Google, Samsung had announced their rollout schedule for a wider range of Galaxy devices. Continue reading “Samsung One UI 5 roll out is quicker than ever before”
Samsung One UI 5 Android 13 update schedule revealed
Yesterday, Samsung released the stable Android 13 (One UI 5.0) update for the Galaxy S22 series. The firm has now disclosed the schedule for the rollout of the One UI 5.0 update for other Galaxy smartphones and tablets. According to Samsung, the entirety of its high-end smartphones and tablets will receive the One UI 5.0 update, which is based on the stable version of Android 13, in the month of November. Continue reading “Samsung One UI 5 Android 13 update schedule revealed”
Samsung One UI 5 stable roll out begins this October
Samsung started One UI 5 open beta program for Samsung Galaxy S22 series back in August, and it has rolled out four beta updates since then. At the Samsung Developer Conference (SDC), Sally Hyesoon Jeong, Vice President of Framework R&D Group, Mobile eXperience Business detailed the One UI 5 experience. Continue reading “Samsung One UI 5 stable roll out begins this October”